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General Rules

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General Rules Empty General Rules

Post by Phoenix Wright Sun May 29, 2011 9:43 pm

The Site In General:

1. Just try to be nice to everyone.

2. If you aren't nice, then I'll suspend you from this site after several warnings.

3. No spamming. Like your posts need at least 3-5 words, and not just a smiley.

4. Smilies are nice, but don't let them talk for you. Use them to accentuate points.

5. Follow the rules. Read the rules. Make sure you have all the necessary information about this RP before creating a CS.

6. OBEY the mods, and the admins. They are in charge. You aren't. You do not own this board. I do.

7. You have a problem with me or the rules, then leave. These rules are here for a purpose. They are to keep this site under control. Not to be abused and to be disagreed with.

8. Do not make repeat topics. It is un-needed.

9. Do not double post. Let others have a chance to voice their opinions. Also, there is an Edit button. Use it.

10. Please type literately, and not like a n00b.

11. Please stay ON TOPIC. If you have anything else to say, start a new thread...

12. No mutiny against the admins!
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright
Defense Attorney

Posts : 1224
Join date : 2011-05-29
Age : 31
Location : Wright & Co. Law Office

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