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Calling in a favour.

Trucy Wright
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:16 pm

Apollo was sitting on the couch on just another normal day at the agency. Trucy was out talking with Mr. Eldoon at the time, which meant he could kick off his shoes and rest for a moment. He rested his shoes on the table in front of him, and placed his hands behind his head. He let out a long sigh of relaxation as he heard the phone ring. Apollo looked up to the phone with a long sigh. "Right when I sit down..." Apollo's hair horns bent in response to lifting himself up off the ground and picking up the phone. "You've got Justice." Apollo answered, as the person on the other line began to speak.

"W-What?!" Apollo was in shock to hear that his mentor, Mr. Wright was lodged up in the Hickfield clinic once again. "I'll be right over!" Apollo shouted making his way to the entrance of the agency. Mr. Eldoon's stand was right outside the agency, which means Trucy was right outside. Apollo didn't want to startle her with the news that her father was once again in the hospital, so he tried his best to be quiet. He took one step after the other before accidentally stepping on an empty bowl. He slipped as the bowl flew up and landed on his head, crushing his horns down. "Urgh..."
Apollo Justice
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Trucy Wright Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:10 am

"Polly!" Trucy beamed at her elder brother. "Fancy seeing you here! What'cha up to?" She bounced energetically on the balls of her feet. "And why are you wearing that bowl on your head? You look silly!" she giggled.
Trucy Wright
Trucy Wright

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:00 pm

Apollo looked up to her sister in front of him. Of course THIS had to happen. No way he'd be allowed to casually walk by like any other time. Apollo pondered his situation for a second, keeping his hand away from his forehead this time. His hand was much too occupied with taking the bowl off of his hair horns.

No use in lying to her, Justice. I bet she already knows.

"I'm just heading over to the Hickfield. We got a call and I need to go check things out."
Apollo Justice
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Trucy Wright Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:12 pm

Trucy frowned. "The hospital? What happened?" Her eyes widened in horror. "Is Daddy hurt?! Apollo?" She could feel her heart twisting from the anxiety. Phoenix and Apollo were all she had left. If something happened to her dad...Trucy would be beside herself in grief.
Trucy Wright
Trucy Wright

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:25 pm

"Well..." Apollo bent down so she could meet her sister face to face. He pulled on a smile, trying to lift both of their spirits. "It's Mr. Wright again, but it's nothing too dangerous, I promise. He'll be out of the hospital in three days, maximum." Apollo stood up and looked towards the hospital. "I'm just going to check him out. Feel free to come with."
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Trucy Wright Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:33 pm

"What did the doctor say?" Trucy insisted as she followed her brother. "I wanna know before I see him!" She continued pouting, not convinced by his attitude at all.
Trucy Wright
Trucy Wright

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:57 pm

Apollo looked back to his sister as he was already on his way to the hospital. "There's nothing to be afraid of. It was something like too much intake of grape juice." Apollo chucked. For a normal human being, this would be something out of the ordinary, but to Mr. Wright, this was to be expected.
Apollo Justice
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Trucy Wright Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:00 pm

"Are you sure?" Trucy frowned, putting her hands on her hips. "You know Daddy's careful when it comes to his grape juice. Are you sure he wasn't hit by another car?"
Trucy Wright
Trucy Wright

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:37 am

Apollo nodded. "I'm absolutely certain Mr. Wright will be just fine. I swear on my Attorneys badge!" Apollo stood proud as he gripped onto his badge. He walked beside Trucy with a hand on her shoulder, looking over to her as he walked. "You know Mr. Wright's been through hell and Eagle River, and still manages to come up with a snappy comeback in seconds alone." Apollo laughed a little to himself.
Apollo Justice
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Pearl Fey Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:42 am

as I'm taking it, Apollo is right in front of the door to the Anything Agency. If I'm not correct, then this message miiight not exactly make sense, and further more it's opened in a way that she won't actually be seeing him, when opened, as well as not seeing Trucy.

Of course, as luck would have it, Apollo still wouldn't be getting quite out the door, because it opened up on him, in a way that he wouldn't be seen by Pearl...

"Mister Polo, are you here? I heard that Mister Nick is in the hospital, and I came to check!"

Pearl Fey
Pearl Fey

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:14 pm

(Eheh...normal OOC in rp is in brackets, and theres really no need for the first part. You could have just wanted until a little more banter went on before posting...but I suppose it's alright... ^^''')

Apollo noticed that they had quickly arrived at the hospital. It must have been because he was speed-walking like he had never speed-walked before! Apollo was looking towards his sister as he non-chalently went to grab the door handle. Not feeling anything in his grasp he put too much force into his pull and began to plummet to the ground.

At the last moment, he noticed a child, about to get crushed by him, hair horns and all. So, with nothing better to do, he stuck his arms out and stopped himself on the walls, coming face to face with the child. His hair horns bent down in embarrassment as he slowly reconfigured himself. He rubbed his hair horns back into place while waving. " me?"

Apollo couldn't figure out exactly HOW this child knew him until he noticed a similar shape. The magatama was a fair give away. "I've seen that charm before. So you're related to Maya and Ms. Fey, right?" Little did Apollo know he was in for even more trouble. Maya was never Mystic without the extra word in front of her name, and Pearl was always sure to remind people about it.
Apollo Justice
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Pearl Fey Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:52 pm

((eh-heh, sorry, I don't know where the OOC-signs went, I know I typed them, though. ))

"Yes! I'm Pearl! and I'm Mystic Maya's cousin." She looked at the man who was in front of her, not really intimidating for her. Though...she kind of wanted to pull back one of those antennae to see what would happen, though unlike like if her cousin had the urge to do so, she could resist the urge to do it…

"So, you are mister Polo? Huh, I expected you to be a bit larger framed, like Mister Nick or Mister Eh-ji-worth...But you are like what Mystic Maya said!"
She seemed pretty happy with her self.
Pearl Fey
Pearl Fey

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Trucy Wright Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:38 pm

"Hiya!" Trucy beamed at the smaller girl. "I'm Trucy Wright!" She bounced on the balls of her feet, still smiling, even though she was incredibly worried for her adoptive father.
Trucy Wright
Trucy Wright

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Pearl Fey Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:28 am

"M-miss Trucy, N-no way!"

Pearl didn't expect that Phoenix's daughter Trucy to be the actual same one she had heard about elsewhere.

"...I guess that television was messed up, you aren't blue..."
...Or maybe she is thinking of something else entirely.

"A-anyways, miss Trucy, mister Nick is your father, right? Don't worry, I'm sure your dad's fine!"
Pearl Fey
Pearl Fey

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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:39 am

Pearl seemed extra optimistic for a girl at such a young age, but if she hung around Mr. Wright all the time, and had to go through trial like he did, he could fully understand.

"Right, well, I'm glad that the introductions are outta the way, but Mr. Wright's still waiting for us!" Apollo shouted gallantly, only to be shushed by one of the nurses. Apollo spoke in a softer tone. "Mr. Wright's still waiting for us...!" Apollo looked at the two and made sure to not topple Pearls, he made his way to Mr. Wrights room and knocked before slowly entering.

"Mr. Wright? You alright?"
Apollo Justice
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Maya Fey Tue Jan 24, 2012 6:56 pm

Maya was already there, looking at Apollo as he walked through the door. She smiled and waved at Apollo, Trucy and Pearl. She turned back to look at Phoenix then back at the trio that just walked in.

"Hey guys! I take it you got a call too, huh?"

Maya Fey
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Phoenix Wright Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:21 pm

Phoenix was laying in his hospital bed, looking at his friends and family. "Hey, guys!" he beamed. "What's going on?"
Phoenix Wright
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Apollo Justice Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:34 pm

"Well" Apollo scratched the back of his head as he entered the room. "Either the nurse knows your personally, of you've got a lot of contacts in case of emergency." Apollo stepped in and let all the others in. "So...I can't help but notice there aren't any doctors doing any work here, for that matter, there aren't any nurses, either...!"
Apollo Justice
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Calling in a favour.  Empty Re: Calling in a favour.

Post by Ema Skye Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:17 am

"I came as quick as I could!" Ema stepped inside the hospital room.
"I heard Phoenix was here, is he alright?'

Then again, Maybe I shouldn't have come. Phoenix seems pretty occupied with everyone else...
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